Friday, August 27, 2021


«Lying on my bed, naked... 

and thinking about you» 

you texted.


Then later, predictably, 

you regretted it,

naturally self-vexed.


More! You apologized, 

Oh, so manly,

for having caused «a tornado in my head».

How thoughtful of you,

how sensitive...

But presumptuous too.

Do you really think

that I am hanging by a thread?

Do you honestly believe

that I am doomed by weakness

or some stupid romantic fate?

Well, learn this, if you can

(it may not be too late):

No woman gets turned on

by the image of a naked man.



And this is no joke, 

like I said, 

though we are playing a game...

But your performance,

I must add,

is becoming pretty lame.

Monday, August 23, 2021


It pains me to hear

about your desire

as I am almost certain

that you will do nothing 

to put out the fire.

Terribly cruel they are -

The things you say to me.

Yes, I admit,

you could well say the same

of what I write for you.

I also provoke your lust

as if you were not tied down

by loyalty and trust.


Well, the suffering we inflict

upon each other -

this cruelty we live by today -

is becoming too hard to bare,

too strong to endure.

Especially considering that this malady,

this evil, long-lasting spell

is so easy to cure.

Saturday, August 14, 2021

In my dreams


In my dreams

we do fuck.

After all -

What are dreams for?

Dreams are not for dreaming -

For that we have life.

They're for doing what we want.

And in my dreams

you want me

just as bad as I want you.

So, you take me

you wake me

you play me too.

You make me vibrate to the bone.

And I don't stay on

to watch the sunset


Sunday, April 25, 2021

Truth with no consequence

 You don't have to believe it

 you said.

Things happen anyway,

whether you believe in them

or not  you explained,

so that I would accept

that you think of me everyday.

Wow, I thought.

Who am I to question that?

It seems too good to be true,

But I want to believe it,

So, yes: I solemnly do.

Now, perhaps I can explain

Why that particular truth

that you matter-of-factly declare

is so hard for me to accept,


difficult to bare.

It is not like the cure

for a deadly disease,

planes flying themselves,

some long bloody war

suddenly ending with ease:

those truths don't change

 the course of my life.

Your statement, on the other hand...


Shouldn't it make me your wife?