Sunday, December 31, 2017

Not lovers yet

We are not lovers yet

But I feel as if
we've already
gone that far.
We have only just met
And somehow
you've stolen
the key to my heart.

We are not lovers yet

But act accordingly.
Our minds are truly set
however deceptive
this whole thing
can be.
Two adolescents
looking only ahead
anxious for pleasure
of body
not mind
careless of what
they leave behind.

We are not lovers yet

But we might as well
be totally blind.

Friday, December 29, 2017

The beast

I normally drive myself,
you say.

But this time
It seems
I've got on a train
with a mind of its own.
And in the meantime
your words
of longing and lust
are hurting like spears
piercing through places
I did not remember.

I am curious,
you say.
Anxious to see
where we will be taken,
eager to know
what pleasures await.

Well, the train,
as you call it,
seems more like a beast
to me,
given our state.

It is wild and mad
mighty and huge
and it's speeding straight
into an abyss
that we hope
might be
a refuge.

This beast
at once
ancient and young
has the force of a fate.
And we are both
riding on top
holding the bait.

Saturday, March 04, 2017

Lonely lost sad

I feel so lonely here

without you

in my life

I feel so lost here

without your eyes

as my light

I feel so sad here

without your words

as my guide

Do you think we could lose control?

Thursday, February 23, 2017

End of story


it should never have begun
this story.
We should not have dived in
Head first
into this dark well of emotions
I am sorry.

I'll take your hand
and let you guide me to the light
even though up there
at the top
we'll be blinded
by sight.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Walking chaos

You walked in
Like the rest of them
And I barely noticed.

But then you spoke
- was it a clever question
or a sharp remark? -
and your voice
(I did not know then
what I know now)
struck me

There was also something
in your shy
but penetrating look
a radiance
a spark
an unexpected tie
that caught me
on your hook

as you are doing now.