Wednesday, July 02, 2014


...And that's why I enjoy writing with you.
My intuition assists me
and I grasp
- be sure that I do -
the underlying truth within your words.

my friend,
you do nothing,
with the discoveries you make

And so you leave them all to waste.

Wouldn't it be better, thus,
if your intuition failed you
and I was forced to explain in clear language,
accompanied by undeniable evidence
what you claim
to have inferred?

Then you'd be unable
to stand back
and stay aloof
like a careless, clever little bird.
You'd have to react
and to respond
to the revelation of the proof.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Poking sticks into wasp nests will get you sting, unless, of course you run and hide. Run, rabbit, run!!!